“Allow the children to come to me,” Jesus said. “Don’t forbid them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people like these children.” Matthew 19:14
At Winchester FUMC, we strive to provide children with many activities that will help them encounter God and begin a lifelong relationship with Him. Our prayer is that through the children’s activities kids will learn to love the Church, find fellowship with friends, and most importantly grow in their relationship with God.
Sunday School
We want preschoolers to take a first look at who God is and understand:
God loves me. God made me. Jesus is my friend forever.
We want elementary students to embrace three basic truths according to what Jesus modeled in Luke 2:52.
I need to make the wise choice. I can trust God no matter what. I should treat others the way I want to be treated.
Children’s Worship
After the children’s message in the traditional worship services and before the contemporary worship service begins, children are invited to go to children’s worship. During this time, children may sing, color a picture, do a craft, hear a story, or participate in other activities that will help them learn a lesson from God’s Word.
The first Sunday of the month children stay in the worship service to take communion with their families.
Annual Activities
Easter Egg Hunt
Spring Preschool Praise’ntation
Children’s Spring Play
Vacation Bible School
Day Activities
Music Camp
Harvest Festival
Christmas Preschool Praise’ntation
Children’s Christmas Play
For more information about the children’s activities at WFUMC, please email fumcwinchester@comcast.net.